Health & Wellness

Student Health Center
It is required that all students provide evidence of measles immunity before being allowed to register for classes. Please read the requirements and information about how to submit this on the Student Health Center website.
Health Insurance
Part of your mandatory fees at Western will pay for use of the Student Health Center on Western’s campus, but emergency health care and off-campus doctor or hospital visits are not covered with this fee. Therefore, all international students who study at Western Washington University are required to enroll in the WWU LewerMark insurance plan for international students. All international students will be automatically enrolled in the student insurance each quarter of attendance. The cost of medical insurance will be billed on the student’s account. Medical care and immunizations charges will be billed on the student account. If students would like to be reimbursed for these immunizations, they can get a receipt from the Student Health Center and submit it to LewerMark Student Insurance.
All payments for tuition, housing, medical insurance and other fees are due on the first 15th of the month of each quarter (ie, fall quarter = October 15). Payments made after this day will accrue late charges.
Alternative Health Insurance
We understand that some students may have purchased alternative medical insurance or have insurance from their home countries, so in some cases students may be able to waive out of the WWU LewerMark Insurance plan. In order to be considered exempt from enrolling in the WWU LewerMark insurance policy, students must show proof of adequate insurance coverage with an English language copy of the insurance policy or meet one of the following criteria:
- Be sponsored by a government agency or embassy;
- Be a U.S. citizen;
- Be covered by a spouse or family member who works in the U.S. and has medical insurance.
Students must request a waiver and submit proof by the end of the first week of the quarter to be exempt.
If you do not meet one of the requirements listed above and/or arrive to WWU without proof of medical insurance, WWU requires that you purchase medical insurance provided by the LewerMark Student Insurance. Please see the LewerMark website for more information about what the insurance covers. Please also see Frequently Asked Questions for Lewermark International Students.
Students are automatically enrolled the in LewerMark insurance only for quarters they are enrolled at WWU. During vacation quarters -- ie, summer quarter -- when students are not enrolled in classes, they will not be automatically enrolled in the LewerMark insurance.
Students wishing to be enrolled in the LewerMark insurance during a vacation quarter will need to contact ISSS before the start of that quarter.
Medical Care
While going directly to the hospital may be the practice in some places, hospital visits in the US can be very costly and may require a long wait.
Only go to the Emergency Room (ER) in the case of a very serious emergency. For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 for an ambulance.
The Student Health Center provides a broad range of affordable health care – including women’s health, STI testing, physical therapy, and mental health services. The Student Health Center is available to all students enrolled for six or more credits and is located in the Campus Services Building.
Call (360) 650-3000 or make an appointment online.
Clinical Services include virtual and in-person care.
After Hour Care lists urgent care options in the Bellingham area.
Dental Care
Dental care in the United States is very expensive, so it might be a good idea to see a dentist in your home country before you leave or when you go home to visit.
Dental care is only covered by your LewerMark insurance if it is a real emergency, and only to the extent that the initial pain can be managed.
If you have questions about dental care, reach out to your ISSS advisor.
Counseling & Wellness Services
Counseling & Wellness Services supports you in your personal efforts to improve and maintain your health and the health of your community so that you may achieve your academic, career, and personal goals. Services provided include Group and Individual Counseling, Substance Abuse Prevention, Sexual Health Information, Crisis Support, and Wellness Workshops.
Western Washington University’s Counseling Center staff is available to assist you with the life problems and emotional concerns that may arise while you are a student here at Western. In the United States, university students may meet with a counselor to talk about a wide range of concerns. For example, a professional counselor can provide support with adjusting to university life in another country, help find ways to cope with feelings of homesickness, anxiety or depression, discuss ways to improve relationships, or explore changes you want to make to be more consistent with your goals.
The Counseling Center offers group counseling, short-term individual or couples’ counseling, workshops and classes to help students address their concerns and gain the skills to be successful at WWU. If students need longer-term support or more specialized counseling, the Counseling Center can help find a referral in the Bellingham community.
To make an appointment to talk to a counselor, call the main number at 360-650-3164.
You will be asked if you need an urgent appointment or a regular appointment. Urgent appointments are appropriate when you feel you are in crisis; if there is an urgent personal or family situation, if you are experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others, or are feeling extreme emotional distress. If you experience a crisis when the office is closed, call 360-650-3164 and press “1” to talk to an after-hours counselor.
Further information about the Counseling Center, crisis services, and self-help materials can be found on the Counseling & Wellness Center website.